You are unique, why not personalize your treatment plan with


How does AKIMI personalize treatment plans?

✔️ Initial Consultation: Each client is greeted and consulted by experienced doctors or specialists. During the consultation, clients discuss their beauty goals and any skin concerns or improvements they seek.

✔️ Condition Assessment: Doctors or specialists conduct a thorough evaluation of the client's condition.

✔️ Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the information gathered during consultation and assessment, doctors or specialists create a personalized treatment plan. This plan includes the use of specific products, beauty techniques, or a variety of dermatological therapies such as laser treatments, fillers, or other skincare therapies.

✔️ Monitoring and Adjustments: Throughout the treatment process, doctors or specialists continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment plan. If necessary, adjustments are made to ensure the treatment is delivering the best possible results for the client.

Why do you need a personalized treatment plan? 

✔️ Diverse Needs: Each individual has unique skin and specific concerns that need addressing. Personalizing treatment plans allows experts to meet each client's exact needs and desires.

✔️ Optimal Effectiveness: Tailoring plans to individuals enhances natural beauty, increasing client satisfaction and trust in AKIMI's cosmetic services.

✔️ Reduced Risk of Side Effects: Customizing treatment plans helps minimize the risk of adverse reactions by accounting for each person's biological and medical specifics.

✔️ Enhanced Trust and Interaction: Designing treatment plans based on individual needs fosters a professional and attentive consultation environment. This strengthens trust and support between doctors and clients.

How to obtain a personalized treatment plan?

At AKIMI AESTHETIC CLINIC, simply fill out the form below or call us on our hotline: 0345 846 496. Our team of experts will contact you to provide a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs and characteristics.

Consultation and personalized treatment planning are completely FREE OF CHARGE. 

Personalized Treatment Consultation